Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What I bought for Lularoe

What I bought for my Lularoe business.

What do you need to buy. There are so many things you can buy but what is a must have or necessary is up to you. Here is what I bought to get me started.

Depending on how you would like to sell your inventory is up to you again but so many ways to do it. Purchasing certain things will help in each way of selling. I'm going to sell using facebook live videos and periscope for my online sales. Also I plan to do an in home launch and pop ups. So I decided on what I wanted to buy to start selling with these methods. 

Facebook live... 

To plan the way you would like to sell on facebook is totally up to you. You can have numbers to claim. Which there are different ways of doing it. You can write on post it notes, buy number cards or coat check numbers. There many places of buying numbers or post it notes. Examples: Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, and more.  Look around around for prices and find something that will work for you. I chose coat check numbers and also these number tags.  

What are you gonna use to do live sales? I got an iPad Pro so I could see comments easier rather then my phone. Which by all means if it is not in your budget you can use your phone. A lot of people do for many purposes.

Side note. Numbers and everything appear backwards on facebook live, which you can get numbers backwards off etsy or diy them yourself. 

Periscope sales...

This is pretty much the same as facebook live. Numbers on here do not show backwards.